Monday, November 22, 2004

He makes a good point...

Check this out. It's a grade-A wondrous rant that, like any good rant, borders on the hilarious.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

An open letter to Osama Bin Laden

Dear Bin,

Well, George "The Crusader" Bush is back for another 4 years. (Why would you ever doubt the stupidity of the American voter?) Of course this means four more years of war, more attacks on who knows which Arab countries (one dead towel-headed-sand-nigger is as good as another to the boys from Texas) and, I fear, this means you will be attacking us again as well. While I would certainly prefer that you don’t, if you really must, I ask you to please consider a target other than New York City. I know the Trade towers were a big splashy P.R. thing, but... Just consider these facts: 1) You’ve already done New York and no self respecting terrorist wants to be seen as endlessly living in the past; 2) New York is an ethnically diverse community where many Moslems live - if you really want to strike at the infidels that are defiling your holy-lands, you don’t want to fry your brethren in the process; 3) New Yorkers are an educated bunch that voted for John Kerry and generally despise George Bush. Why not focus instead on your true enemies: Bush, Chaney, Delay and the ignorant racist yahoos that support them; 4) Bush lives in Texas which by the way is a miserable, violent and thoroughly fundamental Christian ("read Crusader")state. Now I realize that nuking Crawford, Texas is not nearly as dramatic as New York or Chicago but just think how much the destruction of his ranch will make W boo hoo hoo (P.S. Word is he fucks his pigs regularly and I’m told he’s currently hot on one particular sow); 5) A strike at the midland of the U.S.A. would really unnerve racist red-necks who basically couldn’t give a shit if you blew up New York anyway. Think about it, they hate us almost as much as they hate you. So, in conclusion, if you are indeed planning to nuke or bomb or poison some part of the U.S. of A., please consider Texas - if Crawford is too small-potatoes for you, how about Dallas or Houston (Houston is, after all, the 4 th largest city in America in case you weren’t aware)...or maybe Florida (now there’s a cess-pool that needs terminating). I mean, if you want to hit the Cowboys where they live, they don’t live in New York City, believe me. Besides, I personally guarantee that if you nuke Texas all Europe will cheer for you and give you lots of money.

Sincerely yours,

P.S. If I were you, I’d send some extra Mujahaddin over to Syria A.S.A.P.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Check this out.

A friend recently sent me this link and email. GodDAMN the Japanese come up with some far-out shit every now and then. I'm not convinced this would make any more sense in Japanese:

Go to this web page, click on link for "DEAD OR ALIVE: FINAL" on the left side of the screen list of films. Watch the trailer and tell me if you can figure out what the hell this movie could possibly be about?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Umor Mobile another idea that I think could be applied to the Umor mobile.

When the 'mobile hits an urban center, there should definitely be a high-powered cell-phone jammer on board. This will make it seem as if the UmorMobile's 'music' is actually responsible for the disruption in communications. In any event, "BE HERE NOW" will no longer sound like a mere suggestion, as the UmorMobile's real reality will replace the cellphone user's virtual one!


Wednesday, October 27, 2004



TITLE: "Method and Apparatus for UmourVision"
US Patent Application Serial Number: 10/709,703

ABSTRACT: Normal human vision glimpses only one small time-slice of the complete lifecycle of objects, lifeforms, etc. This results in the assumption that this brief representation is the true nature of the thing, whereas in reality that thing is a very brief collection of atoms and patterns that will soon disperse. With this invention the wearer of glasses or goggles that are equipped with "UmourVision" see imposed on the object viewed a representation of the complete lifecycle of the object, from birth to maturity to decay. This is accomplished by dual GPS locators in the goggles (A) that triangulate distances of RFID tags, WiFi hotspots, etc...(B) embedded in objects and under people's skin. A backend database (C) identifies the object and extrapolates from the visible timeslice the likely lifecycle of the event/object. (Of course, an "object" is merely a slow-moving event.) This view is then super-imposed upon the object so that the wearer can see the true nature of the object (UmourVision).
UmourVision technology also allows the user to select or create various windows (Hamming, Vonnegut, etc...) that apply weights/cutoffs to the lifecycle view. For instance, it is not always necessary or desirable to see the ultimate end of a lover, etc...It may also be desirable to give the "lifetime" of a tree, for instance, a higher weighting (in terms of the view) as opposed to it's time as a treestump or firewood.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Some quotes from our notes...

Here are some quotes that can be applied to the discussion of Umour (some more eloquent than others).

“Set in a frame any old mess is at once cut off from the totality of its natural context, and for this very reason it’s manifestation of the Tao is concealed.”

-Alan Watts

“If you want to get to the plain truth be not concerned with right and wrong.
The conflict between right and wrong is the sickness of the mind.”

-Hsin-hsin Ming

“If you throw some shit on a wall people will see a mess. If you put a frame around it people will see art.”


“Maybe we do the right thing, maybe we do the wrong, spending each day just wending our way along.”

-Billie Holiday

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Purpose of This Blog

Consider using this blog as an open forum for the discussion of Umour. What is Umour? Umour is something you use when you find it. It's always there yet often elusive. It's the natural chaotic order that we sometimes somehow become aware of, and sometimes even in tune with. Umour is when we realize.

Realize something here sometime.