Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Purpose of This Blog

Consider using this blog as an open forum for the discussion of Umour. What is Umour? Umour is something you use when you find it. It's always there yet often elusive. It's the natural chaotic order that we sometimes somehow become aware of, and sometimes even in tune with. Umour is when we realize.

Realize something here sometime.


Em said...

Yowzer! I'm the first to post a comment!

Quit screwin' around yooz guys and let's get the Umor mobile rolling!

OK...cost is an issue. Have you thought about getting some grants, etc...?

Let's make the Umor mobile REAL, and when it's outlived it's uselessness drive it off a cliff or perhaps perform some more interesting destruction ritual.

Umour Ritual Specialists said...

The proposed "Umour Mobile" will become a reality through continued thoughts, words, and actions on its behalf. Some money will also be required. And not just the purchase price, which ideally should be cheap, but it will need to be insured (minimum liability of course) and outfitted with the appropriate accoutrements; i.e. obnoxiously loud sound system, moss growing on the parcel shelf, and custom day-glow paint. Let us begin by imagining ourselves IN the Umour Mobile. What does it feel like? Where are we going? Is it a frightening ride to Centralia PA?

Em said...

BTW...I think I agree that the new version of "Yesterday's Trash" gained more than it lost in the shift to scrolling text. The "music" in particular seems to emphasize the Umour themes more, I agree.

Keep the other version in the vault, has it's own merits too.