Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Republic

Umour Ritual Forum_“a wiretap requires a court order…When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so.” George W. Bush, April 2004

Well, now we ALL know that he was lying… even the lying fascist liars know that he was lying… was lying, is lying… lies, lies, lies…LIES rhymes with SPIES! Didya hear Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ justification for the administration blatantly violating the above pledge? It amounts to the absurd assertion that Congress, when it authorized Georgie to defend the country from “terrorism”, gave him carte blanche to subvert the constitution. These criminals keep justifying their abuses on the grounds that the President has extraordinary powers because, since 9/11, we are a nation at war. We are at war against “worldwide terrorism”. So… how is this “war” supposed to END? I mean, how are we supposed to know when the war is over?.. when there’s no more “TERROR” in the world?!! That’s like saying we’re waging a war on “sadness”. When we manage to kill or capture or convert every terrorist on earth?.. now, and for all time?
Sooooo…..this “war” will NEVER end and thus, any “special” powers claimed by the President are assumed to be permanent. There, BANG!…The Republic is nullified. It’s really no different from Bush declaring Marshall Law for the “duration of the crisis”, the beloved excuse of every cheap, petty, banana-republic dictator generalissimo. Gonzales claims that critics of the administration and journalists have overemphasized “the potential breadth of what the President has actually authorized.” Really? How the hell do we the people know what extent of spying this fascist has or will authorize. If it was all legal, why didn’t they get those warrants, like they promised? Now they want Google to give them our internet surfing records to protect us from bad pornography… hmm… Bank, library records…You know, what I’m seeing from the Bushie Boys is making me really rethink the Second Amendment. Threats to National Security can come from within as well as without. I think I see what the Founding Fathers had in mind.


Anonymous said...

Sound's like Loudmouth Bill has something to hide! You should concern yourself with the real issues and stop wasting your time w/this childesh nonsense. We'll see how your position changes when Hamas, and organizations like hamas start affecting your life. I'll bet you'll run and hide like the true criminals in Washington. ie: Kerry, Kennedy, Hillary etc. Oh by the way My name is Dave. I work with Kol. He say's youre a cool guy. Nice to meet ya!!!

Loudmouth Bill said...

This "nonsense" as you call it is the exercise of free speech. Freedom of speech is the freedom to DISAGREE with one's government. In the worst totalitarian societies, you are usually free to agree with whatever the leader says or does. Oh, but I forgot, a totalitarian society is what you fascists are tring to force on us. As for threats from terrorist groups, it should be obvious to anyone at this point that the policies promoted by the Bush administration are only pushing more and more people into the ranks of organizations like Hamas. While at the same time, they are using this threat to our security (that they are fueling), to justify abusing the civil liberties of American citizens. And all along, dupes like you will believe the bullshit while a dictatorship takes over the republic. Wake up! Study world history; it's happened before.

Loudmouth Bill said...

Oh, and by the way, Dave, I should mention the point that in a Dictatorship you don't need to be "hiding" something in order to be arrested. Do you think the public heard the "evidence" against all those people Stalin sent to the Gulag? Of course not, any more than we've heard the evidence against any of the "enemy combatants" sent away without a fair trial. Benjamin Franklin once said that those who would give up their liberty for a sense of security deserve neither liberty nor security. That's not running and hiding, that's standing up for what you believe in.

Em said...

And this just in...

Do you really think they're resisting us just because they "hate our freedoms"?