Tuesday, December 20, 2005

We need a new approach

From the link above it should be obvious that Satan is winning the war for the biology classroom, as the Pennsylvania courts have now officially ruled against intelligent design. So today they are teaching our children that their grandfathers were monkeys. Next they'll be teaching that our monkey ancestors worshipped Satan.

What we need is a new approach. If we can't beat Satan in the biology classroom, let's beat him in the others:

1. In English. Let's remove all those words Satan introduced into our language after the King James Bible. Let's ensure that "thee", "thine", "hither" "thither" and other Godly vocabulary and grammatical structures are taught instead of their new false versions that come from the pits of hell.

2. In electronics and technology. Since we know that the whole world is held together by God, we need to teach this in physics, astronomy and chemistry. Clearly, it is God's Word through the holy spirit that holds atoms together, not any Satanic forces of fire or electromagnetism. Likewise, Carbon 14 nuclei decay because has withdrawn his favor, not because of any process that has nothing to do with God. Carbon 14 radioactivity has increased since the fall and Adam and Eve's sin, which is why the deluded scientists of the world believe that the earth is 5 billion years old.

3. First Aid. We know that nothing that occurs in this world occurs without God. Therefore, the first response to any accident should be prayer and study of the Bible. If someone is choking it does not matter that the food is lodged in their windpipe. What matters is that God is pleased. First responders should be taught to repeat the ten commandments and the Lord's prayer before any attempt at ressuccitation is made.

Together, if we put God first in the classroom in all areas then our children will understand the truth of His word. Let's work together to abolish all lies and falsehood that the devil would teach our children.


Loudmouth Bill said...

As a parent, you must prepare for the day when you will be charged with child abuse for not compelling your offspring to regularly attend services at a government-sanctioned Religious institution. You, as well will be required to submit to ecumenical reprogramming.

Em said...

Well, what would be so bad about that? It's not like the US government would force us into the wrong religion, 'cause God loves us extra-special. Right?

Loudmouth Bill said...

Mere Ubu: There is only one way out, Pere Ubu.
Pere Ubu: What's that, my love?
Mere Ubu: War!!
All: Great God, how noble!
Pere Ubu: Yes, and I'll get knocked about some more.
First Counsellor: Hurry, lets's hurry and organise the army.
Second: And collect the provisions.
Third: And prepare the artillery and fortresses.
Fourth: And get the money for the troups.
Pere Ubu: Oh no you don't, not money! I'll kill you. I don't want to give out any money. What next! I used to be paid to make war, and now I've got to make it at my own expense. No, by my green candle, let's go to war, since you are so keen on it, but don't let's pay out a sou.
All: Hurrah for war!

Alfred Jarry