Saturday, October 04, 2008

McCain's Real Message

Isn't it obvious? Consider: 1)He's old and has been "serving his country" for a long long time. 2) Did I mention he's old? He's 72 and he can do the math. 3) He hired one S. Palin who is very obviously not someone to put in the Whitehouse. 4) He officially stopped campaigning during the fiscal crisis. 5) He's apparently backed out of Michigan and may end up backing out of PA. The underlying message is pretty clear, no? He stepped up to the plate one last time just so the Republicans wouldn't be a no-show in November, but as the Hillbilly masses continued to recognize someone who could scoop the dole out to them, he's has to make his real message clearer and clearer. Watch for him to fake a heart attack or something.


Umour Ritual Specialists said...

Are you saying that McCain does not actually want to be elected? That perhaps the "powers that be" have already decided to put Obama in the White House? Seems plausible to me!

Em said...

Well, my theory was that the Powers that Be probably press-ganged McCain into service but that he had no desire to win. He probably just wants to kick back and retire, maybe tell stories about being tortured and perhaps torture himself some of the residual "Sand Gooks" still in Guantanamo.

Meanwhile, he's been sending a lot of hints and perhaps activtely trying to dissuade people from voting for him.

Seriously, though, the current environment has been a complete repudiation of all of his alleged beliefs. Maybe on some level he doesn't feel equip to rule, er I mean lead during these times.